Zahlung & Versand
Caring and baby handling, sibling, early help, DELFI®, PEKIP®, FABEL®, ELBa® and MALIBU courses and many others....
The demonstration dolls were especially developed for advising on breast-feeding and carrying.
They are highly movable, cuddly and realistic.
You can use them to authentically show how slings and baby carriers are used.
Nursing technique, nursing positions, baby handling, massage techniques and therapy handling can be realistically explained and demonstrated to parents and course participants and practised using my dolls. My lovingly made dolls give life to your actions.
With realistic true to life size, weight and appearance, helpful in a great deal of courses and advice situations.
Consultants are more successful if they use these practice dolls.
For the
care of premature babies we offer 30 and 39 cm high premature dolls:
weighted breastfeeding doll
52cm, 3000g
2222 Andrea
45cm, 2200g
2222 Finn
45cm, 2200g
2222 little Lena
45cm, 2200g
2222 Nele
45cm, 2200g
50 Amelie
49cm, 2700g
50 Leon - newborn baby doll with sutures,
49cm, 2700g
50 Paula
49cm, 2700g
50 Selina d.
49cm, 2700g
50Timo Breastfeedingdoll
49cm, 2700g
50Timo Breastfeedingdoll
49cm, 2700g
52cm, 3300g, different Faces
6222 Arnie
39cm, 1100g
8811 Paul
52cm, 3000g
No 45 Rosaly - preemie baby doll with sutures
45cm, 2200g
No 45 Rosaly - preemie baby doll with sutures
45cm, 2200g