High quality storage bag for your carry doll. Please choose
the right doll size.
100 % cotton, wash inside out at 30 °C.
· Only iron on reverse.
· Protects your doll during storage from dirt and from having dye from other textiles rubbing off on it.
· Note! Put only your doll in the bag.
· It is best to place the doll head-first into the bag.
· Do not place slings, textiles or other objects beside it.
Kein Spielzeug! / Not a Toy! Herstellerangaben / Manufacturer information: Renates Puppenstube GmbH Demopuppen Renate Gassen-Seckler Schulstraße 18 57627 Marzhausen Deutschland Telefon (+49) 02688 8003 E-Mail: info@renates-puppenstube.de